“Pay attention to your breathing. Aim for long, slow, rhythmic, even breaths. Listen to the sound of your breath. Let it become like the sound of the ocean waves; constant and steady.”
With the stress of life and work weighing down, true relaxation can be hard to uncover. A guided relaxation session helps one center in on the present moment void of distraction. A session is typically 10-30 minutes long and coupled with a second service. Clients lay on a yoga mat and blankets and bolsters can be used as needed.
Different modules can be selected to create a session that ranges from 30-90 minutes. These are a great way to become more embodied and at peace in your own skin, and develop your own grounding and centering practice to do at home. These couple well with Self-Care Practices (link)
Heart Centered Guided Relaxation - balances mind, body & spirit using your own hands and presence.
Body Scan Guided Relaxation - brings awareness to the entire body as the mind surrenders to rest.
Visualization Guided Relaxation - utilizes the imaginative mind to create peaceful states.
*Available individuals, groups and events
“I recently took Michael’s “Relax Your Body” Live Online Guided Relaxation. Almost immediately my physical body began to vibrate and resonate from his voice and the tangible energy coming from him. My fingers and hands first, then my chest and abdomen. I am sure for some of the time I left my physical body behind as evidenced to me by hearing his voice somewhere external to me yet internally affecting my whole body. Also, at some point, where his voice was coming from seemed to travel around my room.
The experience left me more than incredibly relaxed. I will describe it as wholly at peace, calm, yet with it a palpable sense of inner awareness to my physical body, my thoughts (which I will describe as still and quiet), and my local universe.
This guided relaxation was a perfect grounding and centering for me. ”