Schedule your own session just when you’d like to have it and have it all to yourself.
Choose from existing offerings like Guided Relaxation, Kripalu Yoga Sessions, and Personal Workshops, or we can co-create something new!
Special introductory discounts are available this weekend on sessions ranging from 60, 90 and 120 minutes.
“The time has come. Your time. To live. To celebrate, and to see the goodness that you are.”
About this session
Schedule a live, online well-being session all of your own
This session is all about you! Customize it to suit you.
Pick the time, type and topic of the session.
Go with a recently offered guided relaxation, workshop or yoga session — or we can co-create something new!
Click the session titles listed below for more information.
Choose from:
Live, Online Guided Relaxation Sessions
Relax Your body (20 min) - Draw your attention to your body -- one part at a time -- and then relax it. Using only spoken prompts, you are guided into a calm, blissful state. This Body Scan Guided Relaxation will calm your body and lighten your spirit.
Your Heart is Your Home (20 min) - Through Heart-Centered Guided Relaxation you can balance mind, body & spirit using your own hands and presence. Allow your loving energy to flow; then bring it inward. "I am here now," is an accompanying mantra. You will feel more at home within yourself!
Soothe Yourself Through Your Own Touch (20 min) - Self-Soothing Touch Guided Relaxation layers soft, gentle touch -- using your own hands and fingers -- with guiding words. This can become your "go to" self-care practice. Embrace your own soothing super-power!
Live, Online Kripalu Yoga Sessions
Kindness & Compassion (90 min) - Through practicing self-acceptance, we can develop kindness and compassion for the self on a deeper level. This cultivates a restful place from which we can allow ourselves to be creative and generative; we can heal and grow, and ultimately transform ourselves. Explore the concepts of kindness and compassion on your yoga mat first, and then carry them into other areas of your life!
Beginner’s Tutorial Sessions 1-6 (90 min sessions) - Designed for people who haven’t done yoga before or have had little experience with it and want to learn at a manageable pace. Six 75-minute tutorials introduce four breathing techniques, warm up exercises, 24 yoga poses and the principles of Kripalu Yoga. This program is accessible for all levels of fitness, especially beginners.
Any Session from Centered Presence’s Kripalu Yoga Personal Growth Program (90 min sessions) - Designed for people who have realized that they must engage a pathway of personal growth to move beyond merely surviving, toward thriving in life. It is for those who are in a stage in their lives when they are ready to grow and commit themselves to their own journey. Through several themed Kripalu Yoga classes, we explore the practices necessary to invite and sustain personal growth through the practice of yoga.
Any Session from Centered Presence’s Yoga For Everyday Living Program (90 min sessions) - By strategically selecting and emphasizing certain elements of yoga over others, you can match your yoga to your life circumstance — and watch yourself soar! When taking an applied approach to yoga practice, you can ease these symptoms of modern-day living: too much stress and anxiety, too much standing, too much sitting, muscle tension, and subsequent insomnia. You can also discover some amazing things about yoga practice — and life, your life.
Creating your own at Home Yoga Practice (120 min) - When you understand the effects of the various pranayamas, kriyas, and asanas, you can tap into your yogic wisdom to bring stability to your situation no matter what it is. You can select the elements that will be just what you need, when needed most. Design your own at-home practice — which elements to include and when to do them.
Live, Online Personal Workshops
Feeling Better Through Self-Massage (90 min) - Self-massage offers a way to relieve stress and muscle tension, and give yourself a dose of tender, loving care. It’s accessible wherever you are, whenever you need it. Learn techniques that you can add to your regular self-care routine — and feel better immediately!
Breathe Slowly Move Gently (90 min) - Breathing techniques allow the mind to settle and become more peaceful. Gentle movement allows us to feel more embodied and alive. But when we combine breathing techniques with gentle movement, something truly amazing happens... Mind-body awareness is awakened.
Finding Your Pathway of Personal Growth (60 min) - Free Session! See the full picture of your life and concentrate your energy on those areas of your life that will help all of you thrive! Develop a personalized plan from where you are now; establish immediate, short-term and long-term direction. Redirect Your Life By Finding Your Pathway of Personal Growth.
Journal-Writing for Personal Growth (90 min) - Experience is our teacher and can be the springboard for our next adventure, but only if we first show up for class. Intensive and profound things happen in our lives all the time. Using life coaching principles, this workshop explores how to process and integrate profound life experiences through journal writing. Attendees are led to explore four deeper questions in stages, which help them to acknowledge, find meaning, recognize transformation, integrate and move forward.
Malas, Mantras & Molding The Mind - Mantra Practice portion only (60 min) - Mantras, which are simply statements spoken repeatedly, have been used for thousands of years in spiritual practice. Mantras can help disrupt negative or destructive thought patterns and invite positive change. They can also be used as affirmations. Explore mantra practice using traditional mantras or craft your own -- and experience this life-changing practice!
Seven Stages of Self-Validation Yoga/Mantra Workshop (120 Min) - An internal sense of self-worth not only makes us feel good about ourselves but changes how we live our lives – fully and confidently. Instead of looking to others or things, this internal source is always available and inexhaustible. This experiential workshop explores developing an internal sense of validation through principles based on life coaching, mantra practice and yoga. Through spoken affirmations and yoga poses, participants will learn to move through whatever stage they are in toward the next so they can ultimately realize and celebrate their own worth.
Create Your Own Live, Online Well-Being Session!
If you are interested in a session that isn’t listed above, feel free to browse the website, get inspired and contact Michael Patrick to discuss your customized session. We can even co-create something new!
What to expect
We can set your session just how you’d like it to be.
Other details will be provided, depending on the type of session you choose
How to prepare
Turn off your phone, buzzers, alarms, dings, notifications, announcements, etc.
Other details will be provided, depending on the type of session you choose
About the Facilitator
Michael Patrick, LMT, KYT, CPC
As a Licensed Massage Therapist, Kripalu Yoga Teacher, Certified Professional Coach and former Scientist, I bring all the gifts of who I am to my work. Driven by the desire to elevate others, my career initially spanned the biotech industry, interdisciplinary research and laboratory safety. Over the past decade, it evolved to wellness and now I work in my own company, Centered Presence, Ltd. As a presenter, my workshops are characterized by elements of touch, intimacy, authenticity, embodiment, grounding, presence, spiritual practice and cultivation of inner awareness, which result in personal growth and empowered movement forward.